Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"I have dreamed of joy departed..."

Today it is raining quite hard, so my gardening options are limited.  Instead, I'll tell you about my dream.  Last night I had a pretty trippy dream, odd enough that I don't need acid.  Now, I do have problems falling and staying asleep (Thanks to an assortment of chemical imbalances.), and as such dreams are a rare treat for me.  When I do have them, they tend to be quite unusual.  I present it to you all here.

Some of my friends and I were on this alien planet fighting in some intergalatic war.  The enemies were also human, but they belonged to another nation/empire/government/whatever.  Oddly enough, we alo had Toothless the dragon with us, from _How to Train Your Dragon_.  Seeing as this was a dream, this of course made sense to me at the time.

We were given these energy shields that you could hold in front of you by holding onto these two bars.  The bars each also had a button which controlled the firing of lasers located to the front of the energy shield  When you were lying down in position, the shield protected your entire body; but if you charged it could only protect most of your body (You would choose to either leave your legs or head open.  Legs were less protected usually, for obvious reasons.)  When we all started to charge I decided to ignore my officer and began shooting out all the legs of the enemies to our front.  It turned out that this would save my squad's life, as the rest of our army got overrun while my squad was able to run off and hide.  The enemy army left the planet because it was sparsely settled by colonists and the war was only about controlling territory.  Unfortunately, this left us stranded on a strange, unknown planet.

Later that evening, Toothless the dragon found this alien cube which had Draconic script on it.  Evidently the planet had once been inhabited by alien dragons.  Using his claws the cube opened out into this sort of table, and written in Draconic was "For the chosen one" above this big, long bud of alien dragon-ganja which was stuck onto a metal rod and already lit.  Toothless sniffed at it in a feline manner (If you've seen the movie, you know what I mean.), then tried the weed.  His eyes widened and he started puffing it excessively, going crazy like a cat on nip.  The dream ended with me trying to get Toothless to stop smoking and help us find something to eat.

And so ends another tale in the Twilight Zone.

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